Saturday, March 26, 2011

Meet My Best Friend


...Drumroll please...

And the award goes to Jenna M'Lynn!

Technically, I have known Jenna since the 8th grade, but for some strange reason we were never friends until 2nd semester of Senior year. Weird, right!? Especially for those of you who know how similar we are. For those of you who don't, you can just check out the table I made below :) I can't remember the exact moment we decided to be friends, but it was prob while we were sitting in the back of Bruster's eating pints of ice-cream and making friendship bracelets instead of working. HAHAHA. Just stick me in a room with a gallon of Rooster Booster and my best fran and I am bound to have the best day of my life :) It can def be hard sometimes since we go to different schools, but I love that she's only a phone call away whenever I need anything. I honestly cannot imagine my life without this girl, and I love her so so much.

Jenna M'Lynn & Jessica Lynn
21yrs old ---- 20yrs old
Left handed ---- Right Handed
Brown-ish hair ---- Brown-ish hair
West Georgia ---- Georgia State
Early Childhood Education ---- Psychology
Alpha Xi Delta ---- Alpha Omicron Pi
VP Standards ---- VP Standards
Dogs ---- Cats
Green & Purple ---- Purple & Green
Things we can't live without:
Gossip Girl, more specifically...
Blair Waldorf ---- Blair Waldorf
chapstick ---- chapstick (duhh)
Running ---- Running
Veronica Mars ---- Veronica Mars
Pearls ---- Sterling Silver
Toms ---- Chacos
Headbands --- Headbands
Pandora Bracelet ---- Pandora Bracelet
Starbucks, more specifically...
Grande Carmel Macchiato ---- Grande Carmel Macchiato
☮ ♥ :) ---- ☮ ♥ :)
John Mayer, Tay Swift, DMB ---- John Mayer, JBT, DMB
Lilly Pulitzer ---- Vera Bradley
Target ---- Target!!
Elf (the movie) ----Elf! (We can quote the whole thing)
Tie-dye ---- Tie-dye
Malibu ---- Firefly
Vineyard Vines hat ---- Life is Good hat
Yoga & Zumba ---- Yoga
Moose Tracks ---- Mint Chocolate Chip
Pink Roses ---- Daisies ♥
Outdoor adventures ---- Outdoor adventures
Say Yes to the Dress ---- Say Yes to the Dress
Cow Milk----Soy Milk

Ummmm sooo, yeah. We are pretty much the same person! I made a slideshow of a bunch of pics of us over the years when I was babysitting a couple nights ago, but for some strange reason Blogger won't let me upload it. BOOOOO. I will try again later, but until then I attached a few of the pics that sum up our friendship. ENJOY!!

ALSO: On a completely unrelated note, my phone has been messing up ever since I dropped it that one day. With that being said, if you get a blank text from me PLEASE DISREGARD. I know they are prob annoying but I promise it is not intentional!!!

Otay! Have a wonderful day, even though the weather is less than ideal.


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